At Savannah/Hilton Head International, we connect brands to travelers through both classic and dynamic advertising opportunities. Strategically placed in high-traffic locations, our advertising displays will intrigue your audience at every point in their journey through our airport, from arrivals to departures. From wall wraps and backlit ad panels to digital kiosks and display spaces, advertising displays at Savannah/Hilton Head International will expose your brand to thousands of travelers every day. Below, you can find details on each type of advertising display our airport offers.
Illuminated Wall Ad Panels
41.5” W x 41.5” H, 62” W x 43” H, and 57” W x 36 H”DESCRIPTION
Static, illuminated ad signs, recessed in backlit panelsBENEFITS
Strategically placed in high traffic areas, some including accompanying brochure racksDigital/Video Kiosk Ads
Center of concourseSECOND LEVEL MAPSPECS
Kiosks are 84” H; video monitors are 36” W x 50” HDESCRIPTION
11 three-sided digital/video kiosks; 44 total ad spaces Static or 15-second live video ads rotate every 15 seconds through all three video monitorsBENEFITS
Offer beautiful, high definition exposure and allow your brand to leave impressions on travelers whether they are arriving or departingDigital/Video Wall Baggage
Baggage level of terminalFIRST LEVEL MAPSPECS
Four 46” high definition video monitors combine to produce a 81.5” W x 46” H video imageDESCRIPTION
Static or 15-second live video ads rotate every 15 seconds with a maximum of 7 marketing partners per wallBENEFITS
Offered as a pair of ads: One each on the North and South side of the baggage level; visible to all passengers, no matter which airline they arrive on, or what rental car counter they will be headed toWall Wraps
Several locations throughout the terminal, including airport entrance and exit wallsFirst Level MapSecond Level MapSPECS
Largest available ad spacesBENEFITS
Reach approximately 2.8 million travelers on an annual basisDisplay Space
10’ W x 20’ LBENEFITS
Space allows for 3-dimensional stand-up displays, boats, motorcycles, and automobilesLarge Video Monitor Ad
Delta baggage carouselFIRST LEVEL MAPSPECS
76” High Definition Monitor; 38” H x 66” WDESCRIPTION
Ads rotate every 15 secondsBENEFITS
With Delta responsible for over 40% of all travelers, ads reach thousands of travelers a dayBaggage Carousel Digital/Video Ad
Baggage carousels 1, 2 and 4FIRST LEVEL MAPSPECS
48” High Definition Monitors; 32”H x 46” WDESCRIPTION
Static or 15-second live video ads rotate every 15-seconds with a maximum of 8 advertisers per CarouselBENEFITS
Ads are the last message travelers see at the airportREADY TO GET STARTED?
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